Today, the Pirate Party in Berlin fullfilled its promise and got into Parliament. As of this writing, the vote looks like a stunning nine per cent.
As the numbers from the exit polls were presented, the roof lifted in the party location with some 500 participants. The cheering drowned out every thought. Then came the tears. Then came the hugging, everywhere.
When the Swedish Pirate Party got into the European Parliament two years ago, I couldn’t hold back the tears, either. That result of our hard work inspired civil liberties activists all over the world. We showed them that we don’t have to have the laws read to us; we can write the laws ourselves. That event was a huge boost for, among others, the German Piratenpartei.
Therefore, it is only fitting, that as of today, Piratenpartei Berlin carries on the legacy of inspiring people and showing how much we can accomplish together.
Tomorrow, these news will not just be in the Berliner Morgenpost and the Berliner-Kurier. It will not just be in Der Spiegel and Deutsche Welle. It will be on CNN, Wall Street Journal and Al-Jazeera. (Fact is, it already is.) It will inspire people with a passion for civil liberties and the right to share and speak, all over the world, to stand up and claim their rights.
This was the second large success of the Pirate Party.
There will be dozens more, as we inspire one another to this level of greatness.
Pirates of Berlin, thank you for your fantastic work in making tonight happen. We all stand shoulder to shoulder in fighting for the next generation — one of us succeeding is all of us succeeding. Tomorrow, people will look to your success, and the movement will grow yet more. You are the source of inspiration for the next wave of civil liberties activists.
But for tonight, enjoy the party. This is your night.
OTHERS: See also TorrentFreak, Anna Troberg (text, English video), Christian Engström, Viktualiebrodern, Flickus Flackus Flum, Hax, Maloki, Magnihasa.
Fantastic! =)
[…] You are the source of inspiration for the next wave of civil liberties activists,” Falkvinge adds in a blog […]
Everywhere, except Swedish newspapers, is my guess.
Is this the official result or only the exit polls so far?
[…] […]
[…] You are the source of inspiration for the next wave of civil liberties activists,” Falkvinge adds in a blog […]
[…] Imagen vía Steffireichert e Infopolicy […]
[…] more. You are a source of impulse for a subsequent call of polite liberties activists,” Falkvinge adds in a blog […]
[…] You are the source of inspiration for the next wave of civil liberties activists,” Falkvinge adds in a blog […]
This was a triumph.

I’m making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!
It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction
[…] You are the source of inspiration for the next wave of civil liberties activists,” Falkvinge adds in a blog […]
[…] också Piratpartiets pressmeddelande, Se också Rick Falkvinge på plats, samt en mängd bloggkommentarer på Piratpartiet Live. Share […]
Amazing. Germany learned all the right lessons during the last century.
Mass surveillance of the citizenry is a bad thing. Lessons the rest of the “free” world has forgotten, it seems.
Ironic that Sweden now has to look at Germany in order to re-learn the meaning of democratic freedoms.
[…] You are the source of inspiration for the next wave of civil liberties activists,” Falkvinge adds in a blog post. […]
Lots of international coverage. Even some in the US. That’s niiice!
Sweden are apparently falling behind on this. No major report in any major newspaper, but if you liceread it you may actually find some… Of course not often winkled in PPs favour… Not even an article – just a tiny little snippet by TidningarnasTelegrambyrå in most papers.
De kör ju om oss förfaaan, Sverige måste hänga på nu om vi inte ska komma dretsist!
Just… massively inspirational.
Partying in Beijing on their behalf today!
[…] Falkvinge, fundador del Partido Pirata de Suecia, celebró esta victoria electoral en su blog y recordó el anterior éxito cosechado por su […]
[…] Pirate Party Rick Falkvinge left a summary for German Pirate Party supporters in a blog post, writing, “we all mount shoulder to shoulder in fighting for the next generation—one of us next is […]
[…] first Pirate Party Rick Falkvinge left a message for German Pirate Party supporters in a blog post, writing, “we all stand shoulder to shoulder in fighting for the next generation—one of us […]
[…] first Pirate Party Rick Falkvinge left a message for German Pirate Party supporters in a blog post, writing, “we all stand shoulder to shoulder in fighting for the next generation—one of us […]
[…] You are the source of inspiration for the next wave of civil liberties activists,” Falkvinge adds in a blog […]
[…] first Pirate Party Rick Falkvinge left a message for German Pirate Party supporters in a blog post, writing, “we all stand shoulder to shoulder in fighting for the next generation—one of us […]
[…] more. You are a source of impulse for a subsequent call of polite liberties activists,” Falkvinge adds in a blog […]
[…] to be selective and get the best photo out that I could – the one on the “WIN!” article which I also sent to TorrentFreak. It was kind of funny, actually: I had checked before the exit […]
[…] first Pirate Party Rick Falkvinge left a message for German Pirate Party supporters in a blog post, writing, “we all stand shoulder to shoulder in fighting for the next generation—one of us […]
[…] picture that’s been painted for them. The growth of the Pirate Parties fortold this, their triumph in Berlin is direct evidence of it. Moreover, the waters are even murkier in the case of the Pirate Bay. […]
[…] Politics today, as the German state of Saarland goes to the polls. Can the PiratePartei repeat the success of Berlin last year. Liveblogging the results, I’m assisted by Peter Boehm of the […]
[…] now, I shall stick to writing and cheering on the libraries, the Pirates in Parliament, the heroic civil liberties defenders, and my very own New York Pirate Party – you […]